Why I want to be a skater

Skateboarding. To many people skateboarding is a sport for guys, because let’s face it; your gonna get hurt. But over the past few decades women’s skateboarding has started to rise up the ranks. Led by inspiring women such as Cindy Whitehead of Girl is Not A Four Letter Word, Mimi Knoop of Hoopla skate and  X-games skaters Leticia Bufoni and Alana Smith, Girls skateboarding is becoming more and more recognised in the action sports community.

Which leads us to me. My passion for skateboarding began around January 2014. I had received a Penny board for Christmas and had worked up the courage to have a go. It was not easy. It took me ages to even be able to stand on the thing. But after an hour of bumps, bruises and grazes I managed to skate the length of my grandparents yard.

Since then I have improved a lot. My knees, elbows and hands are also permanently purple from endlessly smashing them against pavement. Many of my friends don’t understand why I skate. But the answer is simple: it’s fun, and rewarding. I remember the first time I learned to Ollie. Me and my 2 friends spent hours in their torch lit garage, perfecting tricks and nearly killing ourselves on homemade rails and ramps. But it was amazing. Once I had got that precious ollie I felt as if I could do anything (I still can’t do a kickflip). That is what I love about skateboarding. There is always something to work toward. Even look at skating stars like Nyjah Huston or Tom Schaar. They still fall, are still learning new tricks.

Never forget that. Whatever it is your working at, always know that the big stars struggle too.


I ride the MGP Jive series board. Link below


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